Yes I can

Is it because of summer? Or is the departure of Florie so vibrating? Maybe the new energie of gotten something really big done thrilled me? I don´t know, but since the last three days I´m getting up very early, making only the quick steps in the kitchen for coffee and then cut and snip and stich and sew on my good odd fellow Victoria (that´s what´s written on the sewing machine). I sold something at DaWanda and am so excited about that tiny little success - can´t wait to get all the stuff done that´s in my head. So, yes I can get up early, (at least once) before everyone else here at home! Thank you, coffee.
A new Beetle Sheep is very hard in progress and another one is ready to get sewn together. And a new Fairy Pig is needed! You know, I do like people - but at the moment, I´m so enjoying time with all my fabric. Mhmmm.
And Mini Blondie? Well, it´s still a lot of Mama take me up, but I can handle that. Yesterday, I tryed sewing with her on my left knee. It kind of works! I know the time she is demanding me so much will be gone soon, so I enjoy it. Lucky me, I have a girl who seems to be attracted automaticly to fabric, buttons, dolls ... So we can easy play together. Today: let´s see, what kind of buttons do we have?

PS: Excuse me, what? You can´t understand this crapppppppy english? I know ... I was just in the mood today. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
kaffeemäulchen - 24. Jul, 07:59
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